Special Celebration!!! in Gati

Basically the main purpose of the project visit by the development partners are to:-
1. analyse the process of implementation, focusing on participation of the community
2. analyse the impact or changes that have occurred within beneficiary households and the community
3. identify problems and constraints that have been encountered
4. identify important lessons to be learnt and make recommendations for the implementation of future projects.
Regardless evaluations are usually carried out at the end of a project so this visit could be taken as monitoring and observation program.
Namaste Nepal had been working mainly on educational development and with it different activities like women empowerment, Coffee Project, health center and School reconstruction has been carried out. It means NNK is working in broader scale in the improvement of education and its sustainability.
Though the project was started with one school and with small fund, none might not had imagined Namaste Nepal project would incline in such a height with huge responsibilities.
However development partners and implementing partners are putting efforts together for the development of the educational, economic and social status of the project areas. The team of Namaste Nepal and partners are trying best for the effective and best results from major activities. The major fund raising activities of Namaste Nepal takes as great achievement to collect handsome amount during Nepallauf (Nepal Run)that had been organized in different town of Germany, Holland as well as in Kathmandu this year.
The beneficiaries of the project also tried to collect some fund during the school event at Gati by selling Mo:Mo(Dumpling) and local organic Gati coffee to support the educational fund for sustainability. Shree Kali Devi Secondary School's students, SMC, parents, teachers and German Guest were engaged in the Mo:Mo making activity and from this they could earn about 18000 NRs from Mo:mo and 2260 NRs for selling local coffee to the visitors, which was excellent start to collect fund for the education.
However development partners and implementing partners are putting efforts together for the development of the educational, economic and social status of the project areas. The team of Namaste Nepal and partners are trying best for the effective and best results from major activities. The major fund raising activities of Namaste Nepal takes as great achievement to collect handsome amount during Nepallauf (Nepal Run)that had been organized in different town of Germany, Holland as well as in Kathmandu this year.

Enthusiasm of developing partners and implementing partners seems great this year. Following are the supportive clues that advocates about the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the monitoring and observation program at project site by the developing partners.
- Relevance: As Namaste Nepal designs the project plan every year before the end of the November with the help of need assessment of the beneficiaries by the implementing partners.And also the project plan get study in 3 level i.e. Beneficiaries and program coordinator designs the plan together and this plan forwarded to the board member of the organization then finally if board passes this plan forwarded to the development partners and with the collective talk within the supporting partners on the plan and final plan is implemented. Thus in this sense, the activities that had been carried out by the project are relevant in the present context of the project sites.
- Effectiveness:
- To broad extent the intended outputs and outcomes level indicators achieved in the relation to targets set up in the project document;
- the project approach is very effective and appropriate because our target and objective mitigates with the output of the project.
- Well beneficiaries and stakeholders participation is quite good and incorporated in the project cycle.
- Developing partners were in project sites only for 4 days, first day was spent to walk around the village, school building, second day was spent to visit whole project sites of Namaste Nepal and observation, third day was spent on school's welcome program and forth day was spent to work for the school by students.
- Efficiency: These two years back Namaste Nepal had been investing big budget for the project areas because of School building construction and other regular activities. So far funding, staff those who are paid by Namaste Nepal seems energetic and smart to fulfill the organization's goal, regular activities are going according to the timeline but the reconstruction project is taking longer time than organization had expected, and other resources like coffee project, mother group and health center are contributing for achievement of the results. And from the project activities the value of money is achieving gradually though it's not easy to gain.
- Impact:
- So far the impact is the result which could be seen after long duration. But in the recent context project has been putting some positive impact in the project sites. The project activities are connected with each other's goal so it will be definitely helpful in impacting the lives of the people. Some activities are for once in a year for an example school coffee project, mother group motivation and run to school event so stakeholders get energies before some months of the activity date. However each activity has been taken as agent of committing for long term impacts.
- The benchmarks of the project achievements are different on the basis of project nature. The developing partners and implementing partners had never expressed about the topic nor workout on it. So Namaste Nepal would get concrete impact with data.
- The direct beneficiaries of the project is school kids of the project sites and wider beneficiaries are coffee farmer, mother group and villagers.
- Sustainability:
- The prospects of the project being sustained are not merely continuing program, but developing relationships, practices, and procedures that become a lasting part of the community.
- When the topic sustainability comes in discussion every one focus on the fund collection for the program specially when the program is totally related to the empowerment. Namaste Nepal have started thinking about self-dependent at the project sites and also started implemented in practices. Run to School event, coffee project, handicrafts from mother group and other fund raising programs. Namaste Nepal has a prospect of having 100% literate rate of the project sites and well-being life of the villagers. Villagers were not aware of providing education for the kids, health and economic development. So project has started to empower villagers by supporting them and creating appropriate phenomena.
- Overall observation
- impact on beneficiaries and the community
- community participation
- selection and processing of beneficiary
- project management and implementation process.
- Strengths of the project: The development partners portray the staff commitment,staff efficiency, organizational links and strong local presence, level of government support, availability of resource, successful activities of project implementation etc.
- Views and comments:Combine meeting with stakeholders, beneficiaries and development partners was held on last evening of village stay. The ideas of meeting is to have further plan to bring stakeholders together as project is expanding step by step. Gati village has been a catchment area to implement program activities in all the project sites so to get equal progress collective effort of stakeholders is needed. The effort of the stakeholders could be different nature as they have different features, there was good discussion on basic school and secondary school's effort on fund collection. But basic school could give surface ideas about the project which will definitely helpful when they go secondary school.The beneficiaries are not that much active as expected and it has been main hindrance of the project. So, to motivate the stakeholders and beneficiaries there should be expedition of model village who has worked an exemplary work by themselves. The idea of connecting all stakeholders through social networks like facebook group, skype or any other application using the internet to discuss about the project. Ex-students of the schools could play vital role on the organization goal achievement.
- Beside this, each project site should focus on self sustainability for the holistic development of village. We may be little bit backward in starting phase to earn fund but it will give general concept ideas of fund raising for future. Following are the general ideas that created from past experiences.
- More coffee you produce more fund you collect
- What if student choose Agro farming in their higher education, it may be coffee farm as coffee project is already there in their village for economic development.
- People gets more active when they are challenged so development partners had challenge with all the beneficiaries who could earn more from coffee.
- Nepallauf event is now popular in Germany and it is the major event to collect handsome amount for the project, this year Namaste Nepal started with good result, thus it should be continued in coming years too.
- Mo:Mo and coffee selling was impressive, it could be one of the fund collecting event.
- Mother group exported cotton shopping bag at Germany, it also could be the one.
- If you put your effort and ideas, it's not hard to raise fund for your self........

Education is not only about schooling a formal lesson for the kids. Development partners are putting efforts for educational development in Nepal as well as giving very authentic lesson to their kids about the self sustainability and it is the lesson for long term. These days villagers are much more aware about educating their kids because they literally thinks that educating their kids means having brighter life of their kids and investing something on them which is also a good saving as a pension for their retired life.
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